Mushroom Estate, Off Kiambu Rd

+254 711 627087

Mon - Fri 9:00-17:30

Teen challenge Kenya is a Christian faith based 12-months residential program for men and women, 18 years and above, who are struggling with drugs, alcohol, substance abuse and other life controlling issues.  

Being a discipleship program, Teen challenge Kenya works on a Christ-centered model that addresses every problem area so that the individual becomes mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically fit and spiritually alive. This means that we are concerned with the body, mind and spirit of those who come to our centers. This we do by running vigorous day to day programs that include personal and group devotions, chapel services, choir, personal and group studies, individual, group and family therapy sessions, work ethics training, community service, missions and outreaches among others, with recreation breaks as needed.


Transformation, not treatment

The biggest difference between Teen Challenge and a traditional recovery center is our focus on Christ.  We are totally dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s word to provide our students with a guiding light. Treatment is important, but transformation is key.

At Teen Challenge Kenya, we believe and are confident that a restored relationship with God, through faith in Jesus Christ, can transform those who struggle and suffer from addiction and other life-controlling issues into vibrant, faithful disciples of Christ and effective ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.  


Discipleship & Evangelism

Through our Bible-based curriculum, students learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. They also learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, invite God to help them overcome their life-controlling problems, and become more and more like Christ.

Addiction destroys more than just the body and it usually starts as a way to try to fill a void that only God can fill, therefore a strong and growing relationship with the Lord is such a foundational pillar in our program. We lay and construct this foundation by teaching our students the Word of God and pointing them to Christ who sets us free from all bondage. While at TCK, the students are introduced to the spiritual principles and life disciplines that are at the heart of the Teen Challenge ministry. During the time that we have been in operation, we are convinced that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety but rather community. Genuine and authentic relationships; the outworking of love in community is needed to keep the one coming out of addiction in sobriety.  We therefore encourage healing of family relationships and development of fellowship with other believers in accountable relationships.  Church attendance, chapel services, prayer times, Bible-oriented classes, personal devotions, Bible study and sessions with TCK staff are all important elements of the students’ daily, weekly and monthly schedule.

As the students are exposed and taught the word of God, many of them make the decision to accept Christ as their Savior or rededicate their lives to Him during their time in the program. This decision turns their lives around and leads to sustainable transformation from inside out. The aspect of letting Jesus be the central focus of their lives is the greatest reason why Teen Challenge is so successful. Every aspect of our program is based on God’s word-The Bible, and the truths therein. The practical, appropriate and accessible Bible-based curriculum offered at TCK facilitates the transition of an individual from a life of bondage and addictions to a life of freedom in Christ, making them transformed firebrands for Christ!


Long-Term Residential Programs and Faith-based care


Our program runs through a 12-month residential curriculum followed by a 6-month aftercare follow-up where we put emphasis on the ALUMNI to walk closely with a local church and attend regular ALUMNI meetings especially during the first 6months.  After completing this journey in sobriety, the ALUMNI graduates at a ceremony attended by the family and friends. We typically hold graduation ceremonies once every year.

This time frame provides ample opportunity for individuals to confront their destructive choices, their self-sabotaging behavior, and their unhealthy views and patterns acquired over time. It then gives them a safe place to establish a new “normal”— assured of the love of God and under the guidance of Biblical principles.

Our emphasis on Christian values and cultivating a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the central spiritual dynamic upon which all aspects of Teen Challenge Kenya program is built on and which makes all the difference in the lives of the individuals who embrace it.


Why Teen Challenge?

The benefits of our long-term residential program and our approach to addiction are numerous, starting with how we identify those who come to us. We do not refer to them as clients or residents, but rather as students, because they learn a new way of living. Students enroll willingly into the program and we do not coerce or force them to enroll into the program. Here are some of what one can expect once they get enrolled in the TCK program-;

v A loving and supportive Christian community who walk alongside them during their journey to freedom. Chapel services, Christian growth classes, church attendance, mission and outreaches and Christian mentoring help the students to discover God’s truth for themselves and are thus given the opportunity to cultivate the life practice of personal prayer and daily devotions.

v A conducive and safe environment away from environmental triggers and relationships that have contributed to their life-controlling problems

v A controlled drug free environment which helps them to avoid the substances and behaviors that have contributed to their self-destruction.

v The students get an opportunity to be mentored by others who have walked the same path to freedom and understand the process they are going through as they grow.

v The students are positioned to confront the destructive thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that led to their life-controlling problems. They take part in work programs designed to teach a positive work ethic, responsibility, and pride in a job well-done, regardless of the tasks they are assigned to complete.

v Targeted individualized counseling helps the students introspect and reflect on their life journey. Healing comes as they are helped to come to terms with the past and redefine their priorities. Healing also comes in family counseling sessions.

v Besides discipleship, students engage in a variety of work-related and recreational activities as they learn how to become productive, healthy members of society.


God forgives, and remembers our sins no more. He gives us another chance to make our lives right with Him. The question is, will you accept and receive the love He is extending to you, the second chance He is offering? We hope you will give yourself or a loved one another opportunity to make the right choice.  Don’t get discouraged, God never gives up on us and it is never too late to make that most important decision to surrender to God.                                  As long as there is life there is hope, and today, when you hear Gods voice, don’t harden your heart.